Thursday, September 18, 2008

My Baby is Growing Up

Journaling by hand is non-existent these days. I am a full-time 2nd grade teacher, wife, and mother of an active and energetic 19-month old boy named Nolan Alexander. A word to describe current life would be B-U-S-Y. These moments with my son are so precious and I never want to forget them. I'm afraid I'll soon forget all the daily events that bring us so much joy.

These pictures are Nolan's 18-month shots. They depict his high level of energy and his current interest in playing with balls and dancing his little heart out. We've got some amusing footage of him dancing. The first time he bopped his head around was at 9-months and it was to the opening song on Marquis' Wii. It was a song by Ozzy Osborne. We cracked up! Now Nolan will dance to anything. He rocks out like he's playing a guitar to a rock song, he bounces his knees and throws his hands up to a hip-hop song, and best of all he raises his hands to God and scrunches his face up and closes his eyes when he hears a praise n' worship song. He started doing this at church when he saw how a lot of people praise Jesus.

These are just a few of the amusing and amazing things Nolan keeps us entertained with on a daily basis.

1 comment:

The Four Feathers said...

Oh my, is he precious or what? I'm glad to have found your blog, I've already added it to my list! Hope all is well!